MES Recruitment 2023 for Agniveer | 03 July 2023

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MES Recruitment 2023 notification announced for the posts of Agniveer for conducting UHQ Rally under Agnipath Scheme at Centenary Pavilion Ground, Roorkee to participate in the Recruitment Rally. Bengal Engineer Group and Centre, Roorkee, (Bhai-Bandh, Relation Bharati) for sons of Servicemen/ESM/War widows and real brothers of servicemen/ESM for Agniveer GD and Agniveer Technical. Candidates with the qualification of 10th pass/12th pass/Diploma/ITI are eligible to participate. The detailed eligibility and selection process are given below in detail.

MES Recruitment

About MES: The Military Engineer Services (MES) are the premier construction agency and one of the pillars of the Corps of Engineers of the Indian Army which provides rear-line engineering support to the Armed Forces. MES is a military organization but has both Army and Civilian components of officers and other subordinate staff. Besides conventional building construction for the Armed Forces, Military Engineer Services is also involved in the execution of sophisticated and complex projects like airfields, buildings, workshops, roads, sports complexes, runways, hangars, dockyards, wharves, and other marine structures.

MES Recruitment 2023 for Agniveer:

Job Role Agniveer
Qualification 10th/12th pass/Diploma/ITI
Experience Freshers
Total Vacancies Not disclosed
Salary Best in Industry
Job Location Roorkee
Rally Date 3-7 July 2023

Detailed Eligibility:

Educational Qualification:

Agniveer (General Duty) (All Arms):

  • Class 10th /Matric with 45% marks in aggregate and 33% in (General Duty)| each subject. For boards following the grading system minimum D grade (33%-40%) in individual subjects of the equivalent of the grade which contains 33% and overall aggregate in C2 grade of equivalent corresponding to 45% in aggregate.
  • Note: Candidate with valid Light Motor Vehicle (LMY) Driving License will be given preference for Driver Requirement.

Agniveer (Technical) (All Arms):

  • 40+2/Intermediate Exam pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Maths, and English with min 50% marks in aggregate and 40% in each subject. OR
  • 10+2/Intermediate Exam pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Maths & English from any recognized State Edn Bd or Central Edn Bd to incl NIOS and ITI course of min on yr in the required field with NSQF level 4 and above. OR
  • 10th/Matric pass with 50% in aggregate and min 40% in English, Maths, and Science with 02 yrs of Technical Training from ITI or two-three yrs Diplomas, in the following streams only Electrician/Fitter/Draughtsman (All types)/Surveyor/Geo Informatics Assistant.


  • Candidates will be enrolled under Army Act. 1950 for a service duration of four (04) years including the training period.
  • Agniveers enrolled under the Scheme, will not be eligible for any kind of Pension or Gratuity.

Age Limit:ย 17.5 โ€“ 21 years (Born between 01 October 2002 โ€“ 01 April 2006)

Selection Process:

The selection process includes an Interview.

How to apply for MES Recruitment 2023?

Interested and eligible candidates can participate in the recruitment rally in the mentioned venue.

For more details: Click here


Centenary Pavillion Ground
Bengal Engineer Group and Centre,
Roorkee, Haridwar, Uttarakhand- 247667


  • 03 July 2023: Haryana, J&K, Ladakh, and Himachal Pradesh
  • 04 July 2023: Punjab, Kamataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Any balance State/UT of India
  • 05 July 2023: Uttarakhand, Bihar, Rajasthan, Assam, Orissa, West Bengal and Delhi
  • 06 July 2023: Uttar Pradesh
  • 07 July 2023: Trials of International/National Level Sportsmen for Rowing, Fencing, Kayaking, and Canoeing only (All states of India).
  • The sports candidates will report to Centenary Pavilion Ground, Bengal Engineer Group & Centre Roorkee by 0600 Hrs on 07 July 2023.
  • 10 September 2023: Common Entrance Examination (CEE).
  • The gate opening timing will be 04.30 pm to 06.00 pm (no candidate will be allowed entry after 06.00 pm).

Required Documents for Recruitment Rally:

  • Relationship Certified/Discharge book Issued by concerned Record Office in original for wards of serving/Ex-Servicemen.
  • Education documents, Domicile Certificate, affidavit, NCC Cert (if applicable), Caste Cert, School/Sarpanch Character Cert, Unmarried Cert, and Sports Certificate (Sportsmen).
  • Candidates will produce all the relevant documents and certificates mentioned in the Rally Notification
  • Candidates fail to provide the relevant documents/certificates essential for UHQ enrolment, they will not be allowed to participate in the recruitment rally.
  • All candidates are required to carry Masks, Gloves, Hand Sanitizer and product COVID-19 Free/Asymptomatic Certificate and Risk Certificate, and A Double Dose COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate.

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Reviewed by Prasanth S